The Venerable Peter BoylandFr Peter Boyland

Fr Peter Boyland was commissioned as the 15th Rector, or Parish Priest, of Christ Church Claremont on the Feast of St Michael and All Angels, 29 September 2011, by the Archbishop of Perth. He came to us from the Church of England where he served in the dioceses of London and Peterborough.

Fr Peter read theology at Trinity College, Dublin, and for several years worked in the commercial world before studying for the priesthood at St Stephen's House, Oxford. A lifelong Anglican, he was born and raised in Ireland where he initially attended C S Lewis' parish church, St Mark's, Dundela, in Belfast. He then became a Lay Clerk at Belfast Cathedral and retains a strong interest in the development of church music.

Fr Peter is faithful to the Anglo-Catholic tradition with its strong sacramental devotion, emphasis on preaching Christ crucified, and commitment to loving service.

His interests and hobbies include reading, sailing, entertaining, travelling, and enjoying the company of friends.

In addition to his responsibilities at Christ Church, Fr Peter is an Archdeacon Assisting and is a member of the Episcopal Team. He is also a member of General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia.


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